Improving road governance

Borderless Alliance is playing a pivotal role in enhancing road governance across the West African sub-region by implementing various initiatives focused on improving infrastructure, trade facilitation, and regulatory frameworks. This organization, through its concerted efforts, is fostering greater connectivity, efficiency, and safety in cross-border trade and transportation.

Here’s how Borderless Alliance is contributing to the improvement of road governance in West Africa:

Advocacy for Policy Reform: Borderless Alliance actively engages with governments, regional bodies, and stakeholders to advocate for policy reforms aimed at streamlining cross-border trade and transportation. By advocating for the harmonization of regulations and procedures, the organization seeks to reduce bureaucratic bottlenecks and enhance the ease of doing business along key transport corridors.

Capacity Building: The Alliance invests in capacity-building initiatives targeting various stakeholders involved in the transportation and logistics sectors. Through training programs, workshops, and seminars, Borderless Alliance equips government officials, customs agents, transport operators, and traders with the necessary skills and knowledge to comply with regulations, improve operational efficiency, and ensure road safety standards are met.

Infrastructure Development: Borderless Alliance recognizes the critical importance of infrastructure in facilitating trade and economic development. The organization collaborates with governments, development partners, and private sector entities to advocate for investments in road infrastructure, including the construction and maintenance of key transport corridors, border posts, and related facilities. By improving road networks, Borderless Alliance aims to reduce transit times, lower transportation costs, and enhance the overall competitiveness of West African economies.

Promotion of Technology and Innovation: Embracing technology and innovation is fundamental to modernizing road governance in West Africa. Borderless Alliance promotes the adoption of digital solutions such as electronic cargo tracking systems, online customs platforms, and mobile applications to streamline border procedures, facilitate real-time information exchange, and combat corruption and inefficiencies in the transportation sector.

Public-Private Partnerships: Borderless Alliance fosters partnerships between the public and private sectors to drive forward initiatives aimed at improving road governance. By bringing together government agencies, transport associations, logistics companies, and other stakeholders, the organization facilitates dialogue, collaboration, and shared responsibility in addressing challenges and implementing solutions to enhance the efficiency and reliability of road transportation systems.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Borderless Alliance in conjunction with partners, conducts and supports monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the the presence of road checkpoints and associated bribes and delays, as well as identify areas for improvement in road governance across the West African sub-region. By collecting data, conducting surveys, and engaging stakeholders, the organization evaluates the impact of policy reforms, capacity-building initiatives, enabling evidence-based decision-making and continuous improvement in the management of road networks and transportation corridors.